Step 4: Sharing what you have done

In this final stage of your resarch program, you will look for ways to share your reseach with others.

You might create a powerpoint presentation, a short video, an artwork, a map, a photo essay, a report, or even some TicTok or instagram posts. This is how you can share, and celebrate your research.

People at CDU and CSIRO will help you.

As you work on this, there are a few thngs you can do and think about: 

  • Go back to the senior people and show them what you have done and ask them to check it
  • Are there organisations or services that need to hear about your research?
  • Do there need to be public announcements made or posters put up in the shop?
  • How can you show CDU and CSIRO what you have been doing?

When you have finished, you may want to put this reseach up on your profile page.

See below for some examples of work that other researchers have done, sharing their research with family, services and the university.

Our Homes Project 

Vanessa Davis is a Arrente researcher who works for Tangentyere Council Research Hub. she worked with CDU on a project about housing in Santa Teresa community. When she was finished, she created a report that she could take back to Satna Teresa and present at the Local Authority meeting.

This report included some information on the project, some explanation of the researchers who were involved, a list of many of the quotes and responses that community members shared with Vanessa when she carried out the research, and some recommendations for the goverment.

You can see a copy of the report: HERE

Nyomba Gandaŋu is a Yolŋu researcher who has worked on many projects with Charles Darwin University. Most recently, she has been interested in showing the university and services that Yolŋu have processes for monitoring and evaluating that are always happening within clan groups, in raising up children, in the workplace and in services. 

One way she has shared some of her research on Yolŋu Monitoring and Evaluation is by creating three short videos. In these videos she first talks about Yolŋu ways of weaving pandanus. Then she shows how this weaving is like Monitoring and Evaluation, and that working with this metaphor will help services to better engage with Yolŋu in Galiwin’ku. 

You can see these videos here: Yolŋu Monitoring and Evaluation [PART 1], Yolŋu Monitoring and Evaluation [PART 2], Yolŋu Monitoring and Evaluation [PART 3]

This team of four Tiwi researchers, Ainsley Kerinaiua, Kristelle Orsto, Rebecca Pupangamirri and Lorenzo Kerinaiua were appointed by teh Mantiyupwi Family trust baord to carry out research abotu Tiwi experiences of gambling and how it can be managed in Wurrumiyanga.

They started by talking wiht senior Tiwi ladies, and then other community members. Then they shared the stories from these people, as well as suggestions for managing gambling in Wurrumiyanga back to the Mantiyupwi board.

You can see their research presentation: HERE


Seagrass Management Project 

Emma Barrett is a young Marra and Yanyuwa researcher from Limmen Bight. She has been working with her family and scientists from diffrent universities to care for teh seagrass on her sea country.

Alongside this scientific work, she also wanted to learn about what is good research on Marra country. She spoke to her elders, and created this presentation.

You can see Emma’s work: HERE