Welcome to the CSIRO-CDU Indigenous Researcher Program!!

Indigenous community-based researchers are crucial to research projects carried out in their communities but are not always recognised for their skills.

This CSIRO-funded program supports the professional development and recognition of Indigenous researchers working in their home places.

This program gives you the opportunity to develop a research project in your own community and under your own elder’s authority. As well as to be introduced to CSIRO projects, opportunites and ways of working.

Upon completion you will be awarded with a CDU Indigenous community-based researcher credential.

STARTING DATE: 22 May 2024       


Step 1: Creating a research profile

  • Creating a research profile that introduces who you are, where you are from and what you have done before

Step 2: Speaking with your elder authorities 

  • Who are the right elders you should speak with?
  • Sit with them, talk with them and come to an agreement about what it would be good for you to be looking at, learning about, and sharing with others for your research
  • Let Michaela at CDU and Fiona at CSIRO know what you have agreed

Step 3: Carrying out the research / getting the true stories 

  • After listening to your elders, and coming to an agreement about what should be done, you will start the research. Different researchers may work in different ways, focussing on different things and using different technologies.

Step 4: Sharing what you have done 

  • Create a presentation, video, report or some other format to share what you have been doing back to the elders, relevant organisations and others
  • People at CDU and CSIRO will help you

What to expect:

Each week, you can join online with Michaela from CDU to talk about your work and get help and support. There will also be CSIRO staff to help you. You will be given a new tablet to help with video and audio recording, and online calls to CDU. You will also receive 2 stipend payments of $250 at the beginning and end of the project to cover extra costs.